On April 7, the legends and lore of the American Basketball Association came together to celebrate not only the game of basketball, but more importantly, each other. Laughter filled the weekend as old friends relived memories and stories from the years together in the infamous league.
Here at Dropping Dimes Foundation, we could not be more grateful for the out pour of support for the players, coaches, and personnel. Thank you so much to all the sponsors and volunteers.
But most importantly, thank you to all the players who came to join for the reunion. It is with great pleasure that we share the coverage from the reunion week—from player and fan testimonials to media spotlights.
Player Testimonials
From around the web:

Kids, there wasn’t always such thing as a three-point shot in pro basketball. The ABA revolutionized professional basketball, popularizing stars like Julius Erving, emphasizing a loose and speedy style of play, and introducing the now-beloved trey. On April 7…READ MORE.

Last weekend, I took a time machine to Indianapolis, flipping the calendar back half-a-century, to my childhood, when my world revolved around basketball players with names like Leapin’ Ollie Taylor, Jumbo Jim Eakins, Zelmo Beatty and Elnardo Webster. Every kid’s heroes seem like giants. My heroes were actual giants; Dan Issel, 6’9”, the Whopper, Billy Paultz, at 6’11” and Artis Gilmore, a towering 7’2”…READ MORE.

After 50 years, ABA relationships and memories were renewed in Indy. Willie Davis came. If anything summarizes the success and meaning of the 50th ABA Reunion, that should do it…READ MORE.

Bear wrestling, halter-top night and wild parties: ABA reunion in Indianapolis. The players dribbling that ball, an unconventional twist to the traditional orange, sported hairstyles just as rebellious – afros six inches tall, bangs hanging over eyes…READ MORE.

Bob Costas takes the mic to host the ABA’s 50th reunion. Julius Irving. Rick Barry. George Gervin. Plus so many more hall of famers…WATCH HERE.

I grew up on stories of Zelmo Beaty, Willie Wise, Moses Malone, Artis Gilmore and The Doc….[meeting the players] was a whirlwind. It was the equivalent of going back stage to a concert where the band is 100 ABA players who are arriving by the shuttle and greeting each other as old friends. It was incredible…we met everybody…READ MORE.

A retro ABA All-Star weekend feel [came] to downtown Indianapolis. Many of the league’s greatest players and coaches attended, including former Pacers legend George McGinnis and legendary Pacers coach Slick Leonard, Julius Erving, Spencer Haywood, Dan Issel, George Gervin, and Artis Gilmore…READ MORE.

The ABA Reunion this weekend in Indianapolis was the who’s who of talent from that era, including Hall of Famer Dan Issel. The former Colonels star and UK’s all-time leading scorer joined the show to discuss returning to Indianapolis and the old Colonels-Pacers rivalry…LISTEN HERE.